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Osinachi: Court Dismisses No Case Submission Filed By Late Singer’s Husband

Osinachi: Court Dismisses No Case Submission Filed By Late Singer’s Husband

Osinachi’s husband has a case to answer, says court

A Federal Capital Territory High Court in Wuse Zone 2, Abuja, rejected Peter Nwachukwu’s no-case motion, brought by the late gospel singer, Osinachi Nwachukwu.

Justice Njideka Nwosu-Iheme ruled that the prosecution has built a case against the defendant, Peter Nwachukwu.

However, the National Hospital in Abuja produced an autopsy report disputing the claims of violence, indicating that the cause of death was natural causes “generalised organ pallor; bilateral leg swelling; fluid in the sac containing the heart; tumour deposits in and on the heart, lungs, and kidneys; massively enlarged heart; and fluid around the lungs, which restrict breathing.”

A. Aliyu, Nwachukwu’s lawyer, had filed a no-case submission, claiming that the prosecution’s evidence of medical paractitioners vindicated his client of culpable homicide.

He maintained that the medical professionals testified that the deceased died as a result of no violence.

Aliyu went on to say that the study verified that his client’s wife died as a result of tumor outgrowth, which caused cardiac tamponade, the primary cause of death, and abnormal tissue growth (cancer), the secondary cause of death.

The lawyer accused Nwachukwu’s in-laws of attempting to frame him, claiming that the autopsy revealed no evidence of violence on the corpse at the time the autopsy was performed.

Justice Nwosu-Iheme ruled on Tuesday that the prosecution had proved a prima facie case against the defendant and ordered him to present his defense.

However, the judge adjourned the case until November 22 and 23 for defense.

On April 8, 2022, Osinachi died following accusations of abuse and domestic assault by her husband.

Her husband was detained and is currently being prosecuted by the Federation’s Attorney General’s Office.

He pleaded not guilty to 23 counts ranging from domestic violence to homicide.

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