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NADECO demands Tinubu quit following academic controversy

NADECO demands Tinubu quit following academic controversy

NADECO calls for Tinubu’s resignation amidst academic scandal

NADECO (The National Democratic Coalition), an organization based in the United States, has recently asked President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria to resign from his position. They believe it would be in the best interests of both Tinubu and the nation to do so.

Their plea is mainly motivated by concerns surrounding Tinubu’s educational background at Chicago State University. This issue has sparked controversy and is causing Nigeria to face international embarrassment. NADECO USA is deeply dismayed by the questions raised about Tinubu’s academic journey and the negative consequences it has had on Nigeria’s reputation.

By urging Tinubu to step down, NADECO USA hopes that he will recognize the greater good and take action to alleviate the ongoing repercussions of this controversy.

The declaration also criticised Nigerians’ socioeconomic challenges, blaming them to policies enacted by Tinubu’s administration. Nigeria is currently dealing with significant local, regional, and international difficulties, with its economy in disarray and populace clamoring for change, as reported by NADECO USA.

They pointed out the dangers of Tinubu’s rigid pursuit of his policy ambitions, which are having far reaching effects on the nation’s economy and have also jeopardised the credibility of institutions such as Chicago State University.

NADECO USA has passionately called for President Tinubu’s resignation, believing that his departure from office could save Nigeria from imminent collapse. They stated that this act could pave the way the Nigerian people and help restore the tarnished reputation of institutions affected by the controversy.

The organization called on Tinubu to consider the greater good for both him and the nation, with a view to freeing itself from the consequences of his imprudent actions. In the best interests of Nigeria and its people, NADECO USA has recommended such a step.

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