
A call to order for the next generation

A call to order for the next generation

A call to order for the next generation

Family, in my opinion, is the most significant factor in a person’s development. Stories like “Father kills child for money ritual,” “Daughter kills father,” “Husband kills wife,” and so on appear every day. We see remarks like “I will never marry a man like my dad; I can never be with a woman like my mom” on social media pages. You have failed as a parent if your child cannot look up to you and perceive you as a role model. This negatively impacts not just your child but also parents and society as a whole.

Our society today is filled with lots of people who aren’t loved at home. How then can you give what you lack? There’s a lot of nonsense being generally accepted in today’s society. Depression and desperately craving to be loved by someone who doesn’t know what love really means—the disaster

Here’s the point: Make sure your children inherit the traits you value in a man or woman. “I don’t like a dirty man—a man that can’t cook”, Now it’s your turn to be a parent. If you have to be a parent, prepare yourself for the commitments that come with it. Teach your children, male and female, that cooking, cleaning, washing, and decency are helpful in both the home and our society and should not be limited to one gender. If your partner has an attitude you dislike, make sure it doesn’t resurface in your children.

Educate your kids about privacy, but not to hide things from you. You are missing something if your child is unable to confide in you as a parent. In order to prevent your children from becoming desperate to be loved or impressed with trash, teach them that true love is not the kind of foolishness that is being given out in today’s modern society.

As parents, you are your children’s home until they get married. Encourage your kids to pray, read, and reflect on the scriptures. It should be possible for a five-year-old to tell you the lesson they learned from a Bible portion, in addition to being able to recite the passage. Let us collectively try to do better than our parents, for a better future for the next generation. It’s difficult for all, particularly in this generation, where so many anomalies are accepted by our society at large.

A child is not for a parent alone to raise; “for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife”. Staying single is the better option if you are not prepared for the responsibilities that come with marriage and raising another generation. Don’t make societal issues worse. Keep in mind that when the unusual behavior persists, it becomes a tradition or societal norm: “na so their family dey behave, criminals.” Make every effort to remove or amend such a terrible family tree and heritage; create a legacy that will live on long after you’re gone and well rested.

God will see us through if we’re prepared to give it our all. You have a wonderful week ahead.

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